Thursday, July 15, 2010

Work sketchings!

I drew at work again about a week ago and brought home some of them. Their not good, all unfinished and just ink scribbles. I'm gonna upload them one by one over time since I'm sleepy and just feel like putting up just one right now.

I didn't get to finish it or his right arm and hand since I drew it on break and had to rush out when my 15 minutes were up.

LeBlanc 'Lobo' Cól-lee, one of Vulture Loco's enemies as well as a human ally with a small group of werewolves. Not a native to Mexico, his Spanish is horrible and often has his wife translate for him as she grew up in Spain. While his family passed on early when he was a kid he learned how to speak Cherokee from his father and learned Cajun accented French from his mother. His odd eyes are considered a strange trait he acquired from his mom as only one has a black sclera and the other normal but he matches them with contact lens.

As a child he was kidnapped and held for ransom after his parents and grandparents passed and the public became aware he aquired all of their money making him rich at a young age. This left him with a nervous tic, erotophobia, and more reclusive about his personal life in the media to keep future kidnappings from happening again. Because of this events he later had secretive surgerys done to make himself feel better about the kidnapping and comfortable with himself afterwords.

Money is no object to him for at a early age he used his inherited money to open his own line of clothing which was met with large success. He mostly uses styles and designs from cultures around the world and recently his been using Aztec style art for his patterns, leading him to reside in Mexico for a small time and meeting Vulture.

A few times him and Vulture have butted heads though his not evil per say, just greedy, sides with the wrong people due to his own agenda, and finds it entertaining to watch someone struggle. He never fights directly since he is scared of being struck so his size is completely for show. At times though if backed into a corner and provoked enough he will lash out just enough to get away but pass out from the adrenaline soon after. Sometimes he has been a helpful ally to Vulture and will help him out of it is more entertaining and useful to him, making him somewhat of a neutral character.

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