Ani't been here in a while cause I ani't drawn in a while!
Old picture is old but I like it dispite all it's flaws. A complete pen only picture I did a while back of a Mexican wrestler who is the prime example of MEXPLOITATION! Such a fun word, that's why it's in caps. Think I'll type it again just for the fun of it. MEXPLOITATION.
His stage name is Vulture Loco but his real name is unheard so at times his stage name acts as his real name.
If his not in the desert punching some undead werewolf, taking out nun vampires, his either at church, doing tv stunts, or bleaching his hair a pale white cause damnit that's what you do in a mexploitation world!
A addict to fishing, closet comic book fan, and a open bisexual, there isn't much known about him other then that. His age, birthplace, and family life is a complete mystery but this may be because he doesn't know either but if he does he has done well to hide it from even close ones.